

CCTV Condo

Company to buy CCTV Condo is kind of, I feel very good quality, I think our company at the time of buying something, or are willing to spend money of that kind of, I think you want to have a good development, even the most basic things you are reluctant to spend, so you still don’t do it, I’m a do things that will have my own ideas and thoughts, I won’t because I just think what they want to do, I feel the CCTV Condo, at least when we introduce our company to the customer, we also won’t appear what all don’t know, we will say at least we have what special features. 

台湾 凤梨酥

吃过那么多家的台湾 凤梨酥也就只有我之前在学校的时候吃的那家台湾 凤梨酥最为正宗了,虽然我现在已经毕业了可是每次只要一有时间我都会到学校附近的那家台湾 凤梨酥店里面买一些台湾 凤梨酥回来的,感觉一有时间就去买台湾 凤梨酥都成为了我的一个习惯了,最近的工作特别的忙我都没有时间去给自己买台湾 凤梨酥了,好想念台湾 凤梨酥的味道了,呜呜,要是现在所住的家附近也有这么一家台湾 凤梨酥,我估计我都会觉得自己是这个世界上最为幸福的人。



mercedes-benz c-class used cars

I just call my company, because I got a customer, he called me, said he is to buy Mercedes-Benz C-class used cars of our company, I want to bring the good news to share it, because we all know that this time I am on vacation, but before this the customer is our company one of the old customers, he is now to be changed, so the first time he called me, I also don’t know what to say, so I like me the customer introduced to me, our other colleagues, customers come to us when we buy Mercedes-Benz C-class used cars, by the way I make to his colleagues introduced on the line, so that customers will be very satisfied, he will continue to come here to buy a car, or other specific Something.



Taipei Japanese restaurant

Since the discovery of the Taipei Japanese restaurant shop and my bestie shopping when accidentally, I feel two of us after this fall of the Taipei Japanese restaurant shop inside the delicacy, as long as there is a time we two people will come to the store to eat delicacy, in addition to the Taipei Japanese restaurant shop inside the delicacy but also a little cheaper than other stores, environment a little better more let me not in the choice of other stores, ha ha, I was also the Taipei Japanese restaurant shop recommended to my friends, they had laughed at me without appreciation will go out to eat every time go to that shop but after they eat in the Taipei Japanese restaurant and me.


我們醫院的醫療用品之前都是我們部門的一個同事負責呢,可是也不知道是怎麼了,他最近他突然跟醫院請了很長時間的假期,我作為 他的同事也很好奇,緊接著單位就讓我來做他的工作,也就是說醫療用品之這一塊的工作我暫時也得負責上呢,這點讓我很驚訝呢,不過領導也說了,這也是給我的一次鍛煉機會,如果我做的好的話,單位也會給我相應的提成的,換句話說我的工作也就會 高很多呢,這下我的心裡也就開心很多了,因為我知道我們單位也是願意給我這個機會 提拔我呢,我當然願意一試了。

single party

為了我這個找對象有事情,家裡人可以說是很費心的,現在只要是有適合的,他們就趕緊的讓我去相親呢,就在昨天的時候,媽媽給我說是有一個single party,他覺得很不錯,他說是讓我去參加這個single party呢,聽到他這麼說,我也不知道要怎麼說,因為我覺得吧,這個single party也挺好的,這對我找對象也是有幫助的啊,而且我也從來沒有參加過single party呢,所以我就好好的準備一下,去參加一下這個single party,希望我到時在single party上真的是可以找到一個心儀的另一半呢。

