


这次我们家装修房子选择这个品牌木地板真是选对了,现在我们家已经装修完了,这个品牌木地板装修出来的效果真的太棒了,我们和朋友家差不多一样装修的,装修的时候我们家用的建材都差不多的,就只有地板 不一样现在装修完了,不知道是自己偏心的原因还是真的不错,我就是感觉我们家装修的效果好,就边朋友来也说我家装修的房子不错,所以我觉得装修 房子还是要品牌木地板,品牌木地板才能装修出与众不同的感觉。


I from childhood special like some of the animation, especially the Gundam series is now something, in my house have a thing about the Gundam a lot, but every time out to play or go out shopping when I saw when things Gundam I would have Heartbeat, in two days ago when I go shopping. I saw a has Gundam above the clothes I particularly like, just the clothes I like style, buy yourself a these days, every day I wear that have Gundam clothes, wear it I feel every day the mood is very good. Perhaps this is the power of Gundam to me..


Yesterday on the way to work and friends in Micro message chat for a long time, he now just graduation soon, have begun to work, his work is good, the lodging place he sent me two pictures, let me see, the environment is very good, then we talk about buy a house things, I I want Loan to buy a house, he asked me how could Loan the idea of buying a house, I said now outside that want to have their own pits, always rent down is not the answer, he asked me about how much Loan, I said a lot, and he told me consider clearly, because Loan after I began to return, these all need to consider their own clear



シンガポール 就職

実は私は知っていて行けるシンガポール 就職とも1件のとても悪くない事、私にいくつかの学生シンガポール 就職、前の二日間私は彼らと電話を聞いて、彼らはシンガポール 就職賃金待遇を各方面はすべてとても良い、そして就職機会も多く、シンガポール 就職前景は非常に悪いの。そういえば私も少し聞いてシンガポール 就職に行きたいので、私はこの何日の家は両親と彼らと相談して、それは私も行くシンガポール 就職いい、どうせ私はまだ若いして運動をしてもいいんじゃないか。

シンガポール 求人

大学を卒業してもこの仕事を探しましたが、仕事を探す時私は少し迷った、私は本当にわからない自分をどんな仕事。二日前に出して仕事を探す時見たシンガポール 求人の広告を、私は慎重にのを見たこのシンガポール 求人情報、悪くはない、仕事の要求や条件はとても合って、しかも薪度の待遇面にもすごくいいので、シンガポール 求人に行きたいと思って、しかし私は今はまだ家族に私のこの考えは、まだ知らない家族は私のこの考えに同意する。

study in Australia

Yesterday I went to colleagues at home, we talked about the education of their children. She said she want children to study in Australia, now a lot of people in the handling of the study in Australia, where the education is relatively domestic is better, the child’s pressure is not so big, can be happy and healthy to grow. But for study in Australia cost is still relatively high, now the child’s age is relatively small, then even go there not adapt. I told her she was slightly larger number of children, have self-care ability after sending him to study in Australia, then save money basically is relatively well-off, also do not have to worry about kids out there don’t take good care of yourself. Colleagues also think so, but decided to look at the procedures related to study in Australia.

台北松山机场 酒店

第一次跟朋友一块去台北旅游,我跟朋友都不熟悉台北那边的酒店,到台北的时候,也不知道在哪里找酒店,朋友就打电话问她表姐,她表姐就让我和朋友去台北松山机场 酒店住宿,我和朋友就到了台北松山机场 酒店没有想到朋友她表姐给推荐的酒店还挺不错的,从台北回来之后我就一直跟身边的朋友讲我上次去台北住的那个酒店有多好,朋友就问我,我说的那个酒店真有那么好吗?我就告诉朋友那里的环境特别的好,服务也不错。

Singapore Accounting System

In Singapore, there for we recommend the use of their side of the Singapore Accounting System, said the company is now are already at the beginning of trial of Singapore Accounting System, very convenient, is stick out a mile in the operation of the company, now our company accounting system also need to maintain, but also the older version, also want to have a look the accounting system is quite good, ready to update it, they just give us the proposal, so we started to try it, if the trial is good, then we will formally using the Singapore Accounting System, did not think of to just for a day, the trial staff reaction is very convenient and advanced.