Taipei ximending boutique hotel

In a few days will be with my girlfriend went to visit Taiwan, I am now just thinking this a good thing I was happy to die, I heard my friend say special and each one is special and delicious Taiwanese cuisine , was to have been thinking about the opportunity to go to Taiwan tourism good, the results did not expect such a desire to achieve, and it is still the place to stay when the Taipei ximending boutique hotel of it yesterday, my girlfriend made me choose this Taipei ximending boutique hotel when my heart how indescribably happy, this Taipei ximending boutique hotel but famous in Taiwan, did not think this can not only to Taiwan but also can stay in Taiwan, the best Taipei ximending boutique hotel is no longer things than this happy.

Taiwan Taipei hotel near 101

My father when Taiwan Taipei hotel near 101 work it, so I went to Taiwan, I was not prepared to go to another hotel for it, because I can I go to Taiwan Taipei hotel near 101 live, and where the father is due employees, so if I lived there, then it, will kill a lot of concessions, and I am certainly willing, to say we all know me, if you know, then I’m going to do, those little girls are very happy because they I like to sing it to them, and I certainly willing to give them singing a song of it, so I gave my father a call, saying that this time I’m going to Taiwan Taipei hotel near 101 live for some time yet.




朋友都告訴我說是讓我去試試泰式按摩, 因為我最近的身體不太舒服,老是會腰疼,於是就有人給我建議說是讓我去做泰式按摩呢,我想剛好我今天也不去公司上班那我就去離我們家比較遠的泰式按摩館去看看,說不定朋友說的效果還真的很好呢,於是我就去了,結果等我到了泰式按摩館的時候,我才注意到原來這家按摩館這麼受人歡迎啊!看來我 以後的早點出門了呢,不然的話呢我得等好長的時間呢,而且我也聽到大家都說是很舒服呢,我也迫不及待的想體驗一下呢。


我這幾天剛從外地回來,因為我們這裡也快過年了,我高高興興的回家,可是我沒有想到的是我回到家裡之後,家裡人都說我這一年來吃的太胖了,我一個女孩子家的,也該減肥了,我聽完之後剛開始有點傷心可是之後我想了一下, 其實我的家人說的也很有道理,於是我就決定開始減肥了呢,而我隔壁家的同學告訴我說是讓我去試試中醫減肥,我說好啊!因為我在外地的時候也聽身邊的人說過中醫減肥,確實還蠻好的,我很開心,我想這下我也很快就會瘦下來的啊!

Taipei luxury 5 Star Hotel

Last visit to Taipei luxury 5 Star Hotel which I attended a classmate’s wedding, to be honest is the first time I have come so high inside the hotel, if not my friend got married chose this Taipei luxury 5 Star Hotel I do not know What opportunities can be so high atmospheric place, really worthy of fame outside that environment that the service really is not what those little hotel can be compared, but the last time I went to all the students who do not have a wedding does not say what choice this Taipei luxury 5 Star Hotel Fantastic taste, but there are several friends that when he got married and so should choose this Taipei luxury 5 Star Hotel to hold their wedding hear them say my own heart Ye Hao.








時間都過去這麼就了,我的媽媽在做 拉皮手術怎麼還沒有出來呢,我都有點著急呢,不過我也不知道該怎麼辦了,其實我也只是擔心我的叫媽媽,因為我媽媽也是第一次來做 拉皮手術呢,而且還是我拉著他讓他來做 拉皮手術的呢,因為我知道我媽媽一直都很注重自己的形象呢,所以我也應該好好把我媽媽打扮一番啊!這樣他參加我的婚禮的時候也就不覺得他老了呢,我可是很愛我的媽媽呀!所以我一定要讓他用永遠貌美如花的哦!